#Goblin shorts - Clash Royale

We wrote and directed a handful of Goblin short films for Clash Royale’s social media accounts and their big 2024 theme - The Goblin Take-Over!

Goblin party! - For Clash Royale’s 8th Birthday anniversary they asked us to come up with a film full of dancing goblins, while introducing the new, evolved versions of the Tesla and the Zap units.
Direction: Eva & Christian

Goblin Machine + Big Boi Green! + Goblin Bush! - For the Goblin Summer of 2024, Eva was on maternity leave, so Christian directed these 3 films with the great Aya Suzuki.
The films all showed the new goblin units coming to the game in 2024, and some new evolutions for existing characters too.
Direction: Christian + Aya Suzuki


2023 Christmas short - Clash Royale